
Do you want to grow your business? Do you want to grow to $20m in turnover or $50m or even $100m? Like building a house you need to make sure you have the right plans, the right team, the right foundations and then the right execution.

Traditionally having the right commercial law and corporate advisor has been too expensive for the aspirational SME owner. Having every legal issue reviewed under 6-minute units becomes very expensive. Having strategy and advisory sessions where the advisor has added no value, made the founder feel bad for not doing their homework and given more work to the founder who already has no time to do it!

Our Growth@Work solution solves these problems.

The Growth@Work subscription is designed to help founders grow their business by providing unlimited advisory and legal support for a fixed monthly cost. We work with founders, taking work off their plate and helping them keep focused on their strategic goals. We become an extension of your business, providing timely, commercial and understandable advice.

We meet twice per month via a compliance meeting (30mins) and a strategic advisory meeting (2 – 3 hours) to ensure we are on track. We open our network to the business and treat your business wins as our business wins. We have exclusive educational and network events which are designed to grow your business and your personal knowledge and network.


Includes unlimited access to:

  • Dedicated Team
  • Corporate Governance
  • Structure, Risk & Duties advice for Directors and the Business
  • Growth & Strategy
  • Contracts and Agreements
  • Cashflow, Debtor and Dispute Management
  • Advertising, Warranties & Product Liability advice
  • Employment Relations
  • HR Administration
  • Work Health & Safety Advice
  • Debt & Equity Advisory

Business Growth & Risk Report (BGRR)

Prior to any subscription we take all our clients through our Business Growth & Risk Report.

The BGRR is a 130+ question report which covers the core areas of any operating business and scores them. The business owners are provided a report which outlines the high, medium and low risk areas in their business as well as a recommendation and proposal for a subscription.  

The BGRR is FREE but includes around $5000 of value. If you would like to book a call to discuss the BGRR then please complete this form. 


Here's what you need to know

Got more questions? Get in touch.
How quickly will you get back to me?

We use all reasonable efforts to get back to you within 24 to 48 hours.

We will detail in a separate engagement agreement the scope of works and the costs associated with that engagement.

You can cancel the subscription at any time with 30 days notice after the first 3 months.

We will pass on any ASIC search fees and disbursements. Any work required outside of the subscription inclusions will be detailed in a separate engagement agreement.

Yes, you will have a dedicated contact lawyer who you can call, email or interact with when you want.

The subscription is for an initial period of 3 months, with 30 days cancellation thereafter.

If it is in a module, it is covered! It is a full service legal & advisory subscription!

Yes! Our Growth@Work subscription was created to help businesses grow.

Connect with us

Let's have a coffee and talk about how we can help your business. Talk to one of Frank Law + Advisory's experts today.